How do I contact ResourcePath after hours?
Email us at and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
What is the Viral RNA test?
The test uses RT-PCR and detects an active infection of SARS-COV-2, a novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. This test is performed in our high complexity, CLIA-licensed, College of American Pathologists accredited laboratory in Sterling, VA by trained professionals.
The test can detect whether you currently have virus in your body. A negative result cannot tell you whether or not you have been exposed, have immunity, or will or will not become positive in the future.
The typical incubation period for Coronavirus is 3-5 days. We therefore suggest if you have had known or suspected exposure to someone that is infected, to wait five days from the date of exposure to get tested
What is the antibody test?
An antibody test indicates an immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in patients suspected of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, or for the detection of seroconversion in patients following known recent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Antibodies that help fight off infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again can take 1 to 3 weeks to develop after you have an infection and may stay in your blood for several months after that.
We employ Wantai SARS-CoV-2 Total Antibody ELISA and Rapid Tests under Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). These assays against S-RBD, which is highly related to neutralizing antibody, and intend for qualitative detections of total antibodies (including IgM, IgG and IgA) to SARS-CoV-2 in human serum, plasma (dipotassium EDTA, lithium heparin, and sodium citrate), and venous whole blood (only for Rapid Test). It can be used to determine if an individual has been infected with SARS-CoV-2.
A positive test shows you may have antibodies from an infection with SARS-CoV-2. Having antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 may provide protection from getting infected with the virus again, but we do not know how much protection the antibodies provide or how long this protection may last; it is important to continue to protect yourself and others even when your antibodies test is positive. You may test positive for antibodies even if you have never had symptoms for COVID-19. This can happen if you had an infection without symptoms, which is called an asymptomatic infection.
Do you accept insurance?
If you are seeking a test because you have symptoms or a potential exposure to someone with COVID-19, we accept Medicare, VA Medicaid (Must be VA Medicaid), and all major private insurances with no co-pays. If you are testing for travel or screening purposes, have not been exposed and do not have symptoms for COVID-19, you will be asked to pay out of pocket for testing.
What If I do not have Insurance?
Could my kids (younger than 18 years of age) get tested?
Yes. The test is appropriate for any age group. We recommend mid-nasal swab testing on all infants and children. If you need assistance with testing of your child, please notify us at the day before your appointment.
How will I get my results?
If your results are positive, you will be notified by phone (typically within 24 hours), and a written report will be emailed to you via a secure link within 3-5 days.
If your results are negative, a member of the ResourcePath team will contact you by phone (typically within 24-48 hours) and the report of your results will be emailed to you within 3-5 days.
Please, make sure to indicate your email address when scheduling the test and sign the consent form so that we may send you your results through email.
What kind of specimen would I need to collect?
We offer either a mid-nasal swab or a saliva-based test for viral RNA; finger tip blood for antibody tests.
How will I get my report?
Reports are emailed. You can stop by the office for a printed report if you would like one. We ask that you call us ahead of time so when can have it ready for pick up.
Do I need a doctor's order to schedule a test?
No, you do not need a doctor’s order to schedule or receive this test. The Commonwealth of Virginia allows individuals to order their own tests with informed consent.
What are the advantages of using the ResourcePath saliva collection kits?
- Ease of collection, these samples can be self-collected.
- Does not use supplies that are limited in availability, kits are available now and in the future.
- Does not require a health care provider to obtain the specimen, although it is preferred that the specimen collection is observed.
- The liquid preservation media we use to mix with saliva after the sample is collected inactivates the virus and preserves the RNA during transport. The tube containing the saliva in media is labeled with the patient name, date of birth and date of collection and then placed inside a small biohazard specimen transport bag. No refrigeration is required. We do recommend handling the tubes and the biohazard bag with gloves.
How many tests can ResourcePath perform in a day?
Currently, our lab can process up to 1000 samples per day.
What is your turnaround time?
We have a 3-5 day turnaround time with positive results being verbally communicated within 48 hours.
How do I receive patient reports? (For Physicians)
We automatically call physicians with every positive COVID result. We also have a web-based, secure laboratory information system to produce and archive reports. We provide each ordering physician with password protected access to the archive containing all of his/her patient reports for retrieval at any time. We would be happy to set up access to our secure portal. Please email us at and we will help you get started.
How do we know you are qualified to perform this test?
Our laboratory is licensed by CLIA for high complexity testing and accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) for Molecular Diagnostic testing. Our laboratory personnel have many years of experience in clinical test development and validation. The ResourcePath COVID-19 test has been validated for use on nasopharyngeal swabs, nasal swabs and saliva based on CLIA and College of American Pathologists (CAP) requirements. Our CLIA license # is 49D2118808. Our CAP Laboratory number is 9498234.
What if I have previously tested positive and finished my quarantine period and want to make sure I am negative?
The virus will still be in your system, but is unlikely to be contagious after a 15 day quarantine. If you still need a test to return to work, we offer an email only test result with a 24 hour turnaround for only $100.